PrEP costs have come down significantly in Ontario making it much more accessible for more people

What You'll Pay

PrEP used to cost over $1000 per month. Now, with generic Truvada approved in Canada, PrEP costs between $250 and $280 per month in Ontario depending on your pharmacy. This is the amount that you will pay for PrEP if you do not have any insurance coverage. 

Most insurance plans now cover PrEP, including the Ontario Drug Benefit program, workplace plans and university and college plans. Depending on your coverage, you may be required to pay a portion of the costs of your PrEP prescription. 

If you are 24 years old or under, and you do not have health insurance through your parents plan, employer or school, prescription medications - including PrEP, PEP and HIV medications - are free under OHIP+. Just remember to bring in your health card to the pharmacy when filling your prescriptions.

If you're over 25 years old and don't qualify for OHIP+ and you don't have a health insurance plan, you can apply for the Trillium Drug Program.

The Village Pharmacy has the lowest price for PrEP in Ontario. Plus, we have all brands of PrEP in stock, so you’ll always get your prescription without any hassles or delays. We'll even deliver PrEP anywhere in Ontario, free of charge.

Is PrEP Free?

If you're 24 years old or younger, prescription medications including PrEP, are free under the OHIP+ program, effective January 1, 2018. You'll need a valid Ontario health card number and a prescription. Read more about OHIP+ here.

PrEP may be free for some people in Ontario who are on the Ontario Disability Support Plan, Ontario Works, are over the age of 65, or have 100% coverage through a personal or employee health benefits plan.